What's New

Logo Lounge – Masters Vol. 3

Logo Lounge Masters Vol. 3 Earlier this year the third in the Logo Lounge Master's Series was released. This collection of 3,000 original logos were collected and selected from the LogoLounge.com website to provide an endless resource of ideas and inspiration for graphic designers. Organized thematically with the broader focus of Shapes and Symbols, the collection features...

Logo Trophy Trends

Logo_Trend Logo trend in the high-end awards arena. Take a peek. Both utilize the negative space from the uppercase letter "O" as a background to reverse out a silhouette of the iconic trophies. Elegance, sophistication and exclusivity. Have you seen others?...

Hello! We are in 1000 More Greetings!

1000MoreGreetings Greetings often provide a designer with the chance to truly stretch their creative wings. 1,000 More Greetings features examples by designers who are enjoying the personal expression and creativity of greeting design. A3 Design has the pleasure and honor of having four invites published in this prestigious compilation. A poster invite created for AIGA Charlotte's Patrick Coyne...